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Вставьте вместо точек соответствующие глаголы из левой колонки нужной форме. а: choose 1. the boy home an hour ago. feel 2. that tree three feet last year. take 3. a pretty tie from the rack. send 4. a course in american history. go 5. the little the glass window. meet 6. alice her pen at school yesterday. lose 7. mother very sick this morning. stand 8. they a letter to walter yesterday. fall 9. we his speech on the radio. blow 10. the wind very hard last night. grow 11. at the window. break 12. we our friends there at 3: 00 p.m. hurt 13. he on the ice and his arm. hear b: bring 1. our team the baseball game yesterday. cut 2. mr. smith his job last thursday. break 3. the other me very well. catch 4. the man the rope with a knife. throw 5. the boy the butter on his bread. drive 6. my brother me twenty-five dollars. fit 7. the boys the window with a ball. win 8. he the ball to me, and it. buy 9. the teacher in front of the blackboard. quit 10. fred's new camera eighty dollars. spread 11. the browns a new house last month. cost 12. we to cincinnati in five hours. stand 13. the students their dictionaries to class. lend

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. the boy went home an hour ago.2. that tree grew three feet last year.3. bill chose a pretty tie from the rack.4. i took a course in american history.5. the little boy broke the glass window.6. alice lost her pen at school yesterday.7. mother felt very sick this morning.8. they sent a letter to walter yesterday.9. we heard his speech on the radio.10. the wind blew very hard last night.11.i stood at the window.12. we met our friends there at 3: 00 p.m.13. he fall on the ice and hurt his arm. b: bring 1. our team  won the baseball game yesterday.2. mr. smith quit his job last thursday.3. the other suit fits me very well.4. the man cut the rope with a knife.  5. the boy spread the butter on his bread.6. my brother lent me twenty-five dollars.7. the boys broke the window with a ball.8. he threw the ball to me, and i caught it.9. the teacher stood in front of the blackboard.10. fred's new camera cost eighty dollars.11. the browns bought a new house last month.12. we will drive to cincinnati in five hours.13. the students .brought their dictionaries to class.

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