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Passive voice translate sentences into english 1 эта библиотека была основана в 1986 году 2 ваше письмо отправляется сейчас 3 я надеюсь, твоя собака будет наудена скоро 4 студенты пишут сочинение сейчас 5 когда я пою свои песни ,все меня слушают 6 за билеты в театр заплатили 7мусор был оставлен в коридоре 8 нам показали фотографии лондона 9 мне обещали позвонить на следущей неделе 10 на обед мне дали курицу с картошкой

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. this library was founded in 1986. 2. your letter is being sent now. 3. i hope your dog will be found soon. 4. the essay is being written by the students now. 5. i am always listened to when i sing my songs. 6. the tickets to the theatre were paid for. 7. the rubbish was left in the corridor. 8. we were shown some photos from london. 9. i was promised they would phone me the next week. 10. i was given chicken with potato for dinner.

1. we laid the table 2. we travelled all over the world 3. i drank tea with sugar 1. we were laying the table 2. we were travelling all over the world 3. i was drinking tea with sugar 1. we had laid the table 2. we had travelled all over the world 3. i have drunk tea with sugar

Популярно: Английский язык