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Нужен рассказ на о полярным медведе.

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The polar bear is one of the largest terrestrial species of mammals of the order of prey. its length is about 3 m, the weight is up to 1 so usually males weigh 400-450 kg, length of a body 200-250 cm, height in withers to 130-150 see females are significantly smaller (200-300 kg)belogo bear from other bears distinguish long neck and a flat head. the skin it's black. color coat varies from white to yellowish; in summer fur can turn yellow due to the constant exposure to sunlight. the fur of a polar bear is deprived of pigment color, and is hollow hairs.

Polar bear - northern our brother brown bear. it is much more than all the other bears: in height up to 1.5 m and length of up to 3 m. the weight of a polar bear can reach 700 kg traveler lion notes that during the crossing of the bering strait, they were killed seventeen bears, seven of which weighed every 750 kg, it can rightly be called the king of the arctic ocean. the polar bear is different from his other relatives more elongated body is clumsy, but rather elongated; short, thick, but strong legs. on his paws, his broad feet, much longer than those of their  relatives is more convenient for walking on snow, as well as during sailing. in addition, the fingers are connected tolstoy swimming membrane, and end with average size thick and curved claws. long, shaggy and thick fur consists of a short coat smooth and shiny and pretty soft hair that is short on the head, neck and back and shorter on the back of the body, the belly, the legs and on the lower parts of the feet. the seasons do not affect the color of a wool: he always white or milky yellow.

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мое хобби - играть в компьютерные игры. как взрослые, так и дети любят это теперь. это стало одним из наиболее популярных хобби в настоящее время. я думаю, что компьютерные игры интересные. это не только "тратить время", как говорят некоторые люди.

компьютерные игры стимулируют нас обдумать вещи должным образом, они расширяют и развивают наш ум и воображение. у меня есть хорошая коллекция различных игр, и когда у меня есть свободное время, я играю в них с большим удовольствием. моя любимая игра

некоторые из моих друзей имеют одинаковое хобби, и нам нравится играть вместе.

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