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Нужна , нужно проверить грамотность текста. i want to study at school, as well as now. there pupils would get an initial, main and secondary education. i want big and comfortable school with big windows that was light-. besides i want huge library where there would be new books and computers. as it would be desirable a big gym. it has to be stvely. there would be exercise machines and many adaptations for sports. that at school there were own lockers for things and textbooks. besides, at school have to be a big free dining room.at this school the best teachers would teach. they taught pupils to write, read, consider, draw, to good behavior. pupils have to get a good education. certainly, at school there have to be free facultative occupations. besides there have to be many developing circles for pupils.as a result it is school there would be the best! the happiest pupils and teachers. this school can be considered the second house! перевод: я хочу учиться в школе, как и сейчас. там ученики получали бы начальное, основное и среднее образование. хочу большую и комфортабельную школу с большими окнами, чтобы было светло. кроме этого я хочу огромную библиотеку, где находились бы новые книги и компьютеры. так же хотелось бы большой спортивный зал. он должен быть светлым. там находились бы тренажеры и много приспособлений для спорта. чтобы в школе были собственные шкафчики для вещей и учебников. кроме этого, в школе должны быть большая бесплатная столовая.в этой школе бы преподавали самые лучшие учителя. они учили учеников писать, читать, считать, рисовать, хорошему поведению. ученики должны получать хорошее образование. конечно, в школе должны быть бесплатные факультативные занятия. кроме этого должны быть много развивающих кружков для учеников.в итоге это школа была бы самая лучшая! самые счастливые ученики и учителя. эту школу можно считать вторым своим домом !

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Iwould like to go to school, as i am doing now. the pupils there would get primari, secondary, and high education. i wish it were a big and comfortable school with mighty windows admitting a lot of light. i also wish there were a big library where with many new books and computers. and there would be a big gym also full of light. there would be training devices and a lot of sports equipment. the students would have their own lockers for their belongings and textbooks. there would also be a big canteen with free meals. i with that only the best teachers taught pupils to write, read, do sums, draw, and encourage good behavior. pupils would get good education. surely, there would be free facultative classes at school. there would also be many development groups of pupils. so, it has to be the best ever school with the happiest pupils and teachers who believe it to be their second home!

Iwant a big and comfortable не совсем поняла к чему там that was light besides i want a huge library  where would be new books and computers. there там не нужно. as it would be desirable a big gym. лучше сказать i also wanted a big gym или i also would like a big gym to be there.  it has to be bright.  that at school there were own lockers for things and textbooks.  предложения так не строятся. there must be own lockers for things and textbooks можно так употребить.  besides, at school have to be a big free dining room. правильнее besides a big free dining room have to be at school.  they taught - прошедшее време, а скорее всего нужно употребить they would teach to good behavior. they would teach a good behavior. скорее всего не pupils have to a- pupils need to get  free facultative occupations have to be there.  besides  many developing circles for pupils have to be at school.  as a result school would be the bestthis school can  be considered as the second house.

Ihave been learning english for seven years now. but last year i did not work hard enough for english, that's why my marks were not really that good then. as i want to pass my english exam successfully next year, i am studying harder this term. during my last summer holidays, my parents sent me on a language course to london. it was great and i think i have learned a lot. before i went to london, i had not enjoyed learning english. but while i was doing the language course, i met lots of young people from all over the world. there i noticed how important it is to speak foreign languages nowadays. now i have much more fun learning english than i have had before the course. at the moment i am revising english grammar. and i have already begun to read the texts in my english textbooks again. i think i sall do one unit every week. my exam will be on 15 may, so there is not any time to be lost. if i pass my exams successfully, i shall start an apprenticeship in september. and after my apprenticeship, maybe i shall go back to london to work there for a while. as you can see, i have become a real london fan already

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