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Задайте по 5 вопросов к каждому предложению (1 вопрос к подлежащему 2 общий вопрос 3 специальный вопрос 4 альтернативный вопрос и 5 хвостатый ) 1) mike is good at maths. 2) simon`s classmates were in london last june. 3) i am at home now 4)yesterday children were skating the whole day надо много голосов за ответ потому что понимаю не легкое но если вам не сложно !

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. is make  good at maths or english? альтернативный 2. were simon`s classmates in london last june? общий 3. when were simon`s classmates in london? специальный 4. im at home, amnot i? с хвостиком 5. who were skating the whole day yesterday? к подлеж.

It is good at mike is maths classmates were in london simon's it is home now it is yesterday children were skating the whole day

1peter havent got a red car 4this is over there a new car 5tom and susan are from in the canadians извиняюсь за пропуски

Популярно: Английский язык