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Заранее . 1. choose the correct item. 1. either helen or jane __invited to the party. a) was b) were c) has 2. mr. smith offers the letters tomorrow. a) send b) to send c) sent 3. open neither the window the door. a) and b) or c) nor 4. mrs.hill asks her husband __ use the computer. a) don’t b) not c) not to 5. i wonder why home now. a) she b) she is c) is she 6. the teacher asks why book. a) they like b) did they like c) do they like 7. them saw peter the other day? a) who b) which c) what 8. neither mary nor her sisters . a) never eat b) don’t eat c) eat 9. who__ the film the other day? a) did see b) has seen c) saw 10. bob wondered her the next day. a) if he would meet b) will he meet c) would he meet 2. correct the mistakes. example: ted asks are they from africa. ted asks if they are from africa. 1. neither betty nor susan met nobody there. 2. why is mr. white look so angry? what has happened? 3. i have never been to london. – so have i. 4. he said that he will visit his grandparents the next day.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1a 2b 3c 4c 5c 6a 7a 8c 9c 10a

1of 2 in,of 3 on 4 -,on,in 5 in, of я не уверенна, но вроде так

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