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The last book i have read is "harry potter and the prisoner of azcaban". author- j.k. rowling. type- fantasy book. it is a story about the wizard harry potter. he studied in hogwarts, the school of magic. the main characters of this book were harry potter, hermione granger, ron weasley. 13-year old boy spent his summer holiday with his uncle and aunt. then harry used the magic outside hogwarts. he went from home and went to london on a bus for wizards. the trio returned to hogwarts on the hogwarts express. minister fudge told harry about sirius black. sirius black was a dark wizard and friend of voldemort. he stayed in azkaban(prison for wizards). the thought sirius black wanted to kill harry. then harry learnt that sirius black was his godfather. and then harry potter and his friends tried to find the truth in the world of magic.  i like this book very much because it is interesting for me.

Попробую: у нас в школе зимние каникулы начались с 27 декабря , а закончились 9 января.на каникулах, я равлекался так: каьался на тюбинге,играл в игры,гулял , друзьями и тому подобное.большую часть я проволил их дома, а иногда выходил на улицу.у меня много впечатлений от именно а зимних каникул.мне понравилось , потому что было весело.: in our school, the winter holidays began on december 27, and ended on january 9. on holidays, i was liking this way: i gave up on tubing, played games, walked, had friends, and the like. most of them stayed at home and sometimes went out . i have a lot of impressions from the winter holidays. i really liked it, because it was a lot of fun.!

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