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97. write a tag for each sentence . (параграф 24) пример: she studied maths,didn't she? 1.he took the box, 2.she translated the text 3.it opened the 4.she asked a lot of 5.he answered your 6.mary invited you to her 7.you copied the dialogue 8.tom told you the 9.the party lasted four 10.the children liked the следуюшая часть : 98.write tag for each sentence (параграф 24) 1.robert liked the 2.the boys played 3.kate wanted to go to the 4.you washed your 5.sue's friends skated 6.you didn't do your 8.the pupil didn't learn the 9.the pupils didn't clean the 10.her uncles didn't go

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Ответы на вопрос:

  1.he took the box, didn`t he?   2.she translated the text, didn`t she?   3.it opened the door, didn`t it?   4.she asked a lot of questions, didn`t she?   5.he answered your question, didn`t he?   6.mary invited you to her party, didn`t she?   7.you copied the dialogue, didn`t you?   8.tom told you the news, didn`t he?   9.the party lasted four hours, didn`t it?   10.the children liked the story, didn`t they?   98   1.robert liked the book, didn`t he?   2.the boys played chess, didn`t they?   3.kate wanted to go to the cinema, didn`t she?   4.you washed your hands, didn`t you?   5.sue's friends skated yesterday, didn`t they?   6.you didn't do your homework, did you?   8.the pupil didn't learn the words, did he?   9.the pupils didn't clean the classroom, did they?   10.her uncles didn't go abroad, did they?

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