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Toge ther перевела.правильно?


1. the students are  in the history museum. 2. last month they were in lviv. there was an interesting exhibition there. 3. in two weeks they will be in our capital. they are lucky. 4. my father   is  a teacher. he was  a pupil twenty years ago. 6. i will be a doctor when i grow up   . 7. my sister will  not be  at home tomorrow. 8. she will be at school tomorrow. 9. will you be at home tomorrow? 10 did  your gather at work yesterday? 11. my sister was ill last week. 12. she is not ill now. 13. yesterday we were at the theatre. 14 where were you yesterday? – i was at the cinema. 16. when i come home tomorrow all my family will be  at home. 17. are  your little sister in bed now? – yes, she is . 18. will  you be at the university tomorrow? – yes, i will . 19. when my granny was young, she was an actress. 20. my friend is  in lviv now. 21he will be  in london tomorrow. 22. where are your books now? – they are in my bag.

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