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По задали написать текст на тему "что делать если учитель наказывает за нарушение правил"

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Ответы на вопрос:

_на нужно выслушать учителя, извиниться перед ним, подумать над своими действиями и больше не нарушать правила! _на you need to listen to the teacher to apologize to him, to think about their actions and do not break the rules!

Если учитель наказал за нарушение правил.нужно в первую очередь исправиться,и понять в чём именно твоя ошибка .попросить извенения. if the teacher has punished for breaking the rules. necessary first of all to improve, and understand what it is your mistake. ask for apologies.

If my children like raw

fruit, I won't need to boil it.

2. The road traffic flows if

there will be some policemen.

3. Communication might be so easy

if there couldn't be for the Internet.

4. If the cardigan won't be

so expensive, I buy it.

5. If I don't have a

computer, I borrow one.

6. If the dress is not (not / be) so

tight, I will wear it tonight.

7. If I dont like chocolate so

much, I give you this piece.

8. If you won't be more understanding,

we could have a better relationship.

9. If you turn the TV on,

we will wake up our neighbours.

10. We will visit the Eiffel Tower

if we go to Paris.

11. If I were you, I apply

for the job.

12. If Ann apply for the job,

she will get it.

Популярно: Английский язык