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Нужно написать кратко. тема "добро в уфу" где нужно как бы прорекламировать памятник салавату юлаеву, театры уфы(назвать при этом все), музеи(все) уфы, экскурсии по старой и новой уфе, поездку на параходе по реке белая. буду признательна!

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Ответы на вопрос:

Welcome to ufa one of the most wonderful cities! there are a lot of places to visit. you can view the salavat ulaev's monument. he was a great poet and a hero of the peasant war.   there are two theaters- the  bashkir drama theater and the bashkir doll theater. you can also visit the bashkir   art museum, the  geology and archeology museums, the lenin's, hudaberdin's, asakov's, gafuri's houses museums. we offer excursions around old and new ufa. you can set off for a trip by steamboat along the white river. i hope you will enjoy staying in our city!

вместо а и в нужно вставить какие-нибудь имена

a: hey, b! i haven't seen you for ages! how are you? what did you do all that time?

b: on, hey a! i'm glad to meet you. all that time i've travelled about the usa.

a: wow! that sounds great! and in which parts of the country did you travel? which interesting places has you seen?

b: i was in   philadelphia, in new york and in washington d.c. 

a: it should to be interesting. so what about interesting places?

b: i've seen a lot of different places and attractions, so i want to tell you only about the most famous. among them there are: a statue of liberty, the new york skyscrapers, the white house, the independence hall, the congress

a: that's cool! i think, next summer i will ask my mother to go to the usa too. bye, b!

b: bye, a!  

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