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1was being delivered 2 has been exported 3 are grown 4. will be negotiated 5. is targeted 6. had been discussed 7. are being serviced 8. were consumed 9. will have been determined 10. havebeenresolved

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Всё - страдательный залог 1 was being delivered past cont  доставлялось 2 has been exported pres perf экспортировано 3 are grown pres simp выращивается 4. will be negotiated будет обговариваться future simple 5. is targeted pres simp намечается 6. had been discussed past perf было обсуждено 7. are being serviced pres cont обслуживается 8. were consumed past simp было потреблено ь 9. will have been determined уже будет определено future perf 10. have been resolved pres perf уже решено

The leprechaun is a character of irish folklore; clever and insidious creature. they get pleasure from cheating. each of them has the pot of gold. they like to drink. their profession is shoemaker. the legend says that, if you catch the leprechaun, he will have to do 3 wishes or show where he keeps his gold.

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