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Где вы были утром? я и другие инженеры нашей конторы были на заводе.там много нового оборудования.мы должны заключить контракт с иностранной фирмой на это оборудование.2.здесь вчера были каталоги и прейскуранты.мне бы хотелось их посомтртеь.вы мне можете их дать? да,конечно..3.на столе директора есть телефон,но на других столах телефонов нет.4.сколько писем на столе у секретаря? там только два письма. где другие письма? они на столе господина доронина.5.есть новое оборудование на этом заводе? да.этот завод покупает новое оборудование каждый год.6.здесь нет писем от фирмы "роберт и к". где они? мне бы хотелось просмотреть их сейчас.они на столе секретаря.вы можете их взять

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Where you were in the morning? i and other engineers of our office were at plant. there is a lot of new equipment. we have to sign the contract with foreign firm on it оборудование.2. here yesterday there were catalogs and price-lists. i would like them посомтртеь. you can give me them? yes, certainly. 3. on a table of the director there is phone, but on other tables of phones нет.4. how many letters on a table at the secretary? there only two letters. where other letters? they on a table of mister of doronina.5. there is a new equipment at this plant? yes. this plant buys the new equipment everyone год.6. there are no letters from robert and to firm. where they? i would like to see them now. they on a table of the secretary. you can take them

I've traveled by the ferry with one of tours. for a half and a week of me traveling i've visited a few cities which one of them is a meaningful city called kazan. i liked everything about this city: i rode karting, did canoeing and many other things. on board of the ferry we were fed with breakfast, lunch, dinner. and in the evening we had discos. i liked this trip a lot and i'd advise this to all people.

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