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Нужно перевести,как стихотворение,перевод в переводчике не вариант say what is love? to live in vainto live and die and live again? say what is love? is it to bein prison still and still be free —or seem as free? alone and provethe hopeless hopes of real love? does real love on earth exist? tis like a sun beam on the mist,that fades and nowhere will remain,and nowhere is overtook again.say what is love? -– a blooming name,a rose-leaf on the page of fame,that blooms, then fades, to cheat no more,and is what nothing was before? say what is love? whatever it be,it centres, mary, still with thee.

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Скажи, что такое любовь? жить напрасно, жить и умереть, и снова жить? скажи, что такое любовь? это как быть заключенным и оставаться свободным - или казаться свободным? быть одиноким и доказать безнадежность надежд настоящей любви? существует ли за земле настоящая любовь? это как луч солнца в тумане, что не увядает и нигде не остается, и не нагоняет снова? скажи, что такое любовь? - цветущее имя, цветок розы, что цветет, а затем исчезает, чтобы обмануть, не более. и ничего не было раньше? скажи, что такое любовь? как бы то ни было, это все еще на тебе, мэри.

Ilike reading very much. the book that i've recently read was rather interesting and exciting. it was from classics, written by a well-known russian author a. s. pushkin. i've never thought i would enjoy reading a book from classic literature, especially written in a form of a poem. the book is about a young and outgoing young man who was very popular. eugene's life has fully changed when he met sincere and loving tatyana larina who lived in the neighbourhood. tatyana quickly fell in love with this attractive dandy, but his heart wasn't touched then. he understands what mistake he made by rejecting tayana much later. when he meets her in st. petersburg she is already married .the plot of the novel is rather intricate and well-developed.     i  like the author's style of writing.of course, i've read many poems written by pushkin before,but this one had a special impact on me.

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