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:match the parts of the sentences: if i had learned english before, i would have joined you. if jim had driven the car yesterday, you would have passed the exam well. if you had studied properly, i could have found a good job long ago. if i had been free yesterday, he might have met with an accident. choose the correct form: 1. i wouldn't have come to the party yesterday if i invited there. a) was b) hadn’t been с) wasn’t 2. would they if we had lost all our luggage? a) had helped b) help c) have helped 3. if she hadn’t put on a short dress she wouldn’t such attention. a) attract b) have attracted c) attracted 4. if you up, i should have told you something. a) rang b) have rung c) had rung translate the sentences: 1.если бы ты не забыл на работе ключ, ты бы открыл дверь. 2.он бы не женился на ней, если бы она не готовила так замечательно. 3.ты бы понял материал вчерашнего урока гораздо лучше, если бы читал медленнее. 4.конференция бы провалилась, если бы петерсон не сделал такой замечательный доклад. 5.я бы, возможно, ответил вам раньше, если бы я владел точной информацией по этому вопросу. 6.мы бы не поехали на этот курорт, если бы дети не попросили. перевести на во iii тип (the third type of conditionals) сделать 3 по ! буду

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Ответы на вопрос:

1.1  3 2  4 3 2 4 1 2.1b 2.c 3.b 4.c 3.1.if you hadn't forgotten the key on your work you would have opened the door. 2.he wouldn't have married on her if she hadn't cooked such amazing 3.you would habe understood the material of yesterday's lesson if   you had read more slowly 4.performance would have failed if peterson hadn't made so great report 5.i would probably haven't asked you earlier if i had had exactly information about this question 6.we would haven't gone on this cruise if children hadn't   asked about it.

1. i read different fairy tales in my childhood. 2. i learnt mathematic, english, literature, geography, chemistry, music and many others sudjects  in school. 3. i left school two years  ago. 4. i became a student last year. 5. i spent my  last summer vacation at home.6. i saw my friend last monday.7. i got a dog on my last bithday.8. i invited   six peaple to my bithday party.9.   because it was too small for me.10. i stayed at my friend's all night long.11. i payed fifty dollars for the jacket.12. i saw a cartoon on tv yesterday. 

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