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1) are the latest scientific methods used to collect and analyse physical evidence and solve horrible crimes in record time?   2) did they  interview 26-year-old ben langdon to find out what the job is really like? 3)  on the show, investigators seem to end every work day with a dramatic arrest, don't they?   4) do they go to the crime scene, do dna analysis, then go and arrest the suspect? 5) in reality, a lot of different specialised technicians, forensic scientists and detectives are involved in each case, aren't they? 6) who specialises in fibres and blood analysis, but others look at fingerprints, footwear and many other things? 7)  there’s no typical day because every case is different, isn't there? 8) when did he  exam in any evidence that had been collected from a crime scene? 9) did he  have the dna compared to samples from the suspects? 10) who uses powerful electron microscopes? 11) they also use ultraviolet light to see traces of evidence like tiny fibres and spectrometers which identify 30 chemicals, don't they? 12) are their techniques becoming more high-tech all the time? 13) some crime scenes can 35 be very distressing, can't they? 14) is it  wonderful when a case has been solved and your evidence played a role in that?

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