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Спереводом. michael faraday. could you imagine your life without television, radio, telephones, withoutelectricity? «of course not! » – this is the answer. the discovery of how electricitycould be generated was one of the great scientific events of history. it was made bymichael faraday.michael faraday was born in 1791 in london in a poor family. his father, ablacksmith, couldn’t find work for a long time, and so when michael was 14 yearsold he was sent to work. he found work in a bookshop. there he learnt how tobind books and read as much as he could. he was especially fond of books aboutscience. once a customer at the bookshop gave him a ticket to a lecture byhumphrey davy, england’s greatest scientist of that time.after some time michael got a job of an assistant in a laboratory of davy.he got interested in the strange new power, electricity, which had been discoveredby that time michael faraday spent long weeks and months studying this strangeforce. at last he tried to move a magnet between coils of wires. he discovered thatelectricity passed from the magnet to the wires, and could become a strong electriccurrent. this is the method which is used in every electric generator throughout theworld. this was

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Текст о фарадее. краткая биография о его интересе к электричеству. и то что сложно представить нам мир без тока.

Объяснение:you come tomorrow, I'll make a special dinner.

2. If work is finished early on Monday, we can (be able to) go to the


3. If Nick will finish the translation of the article today, we will send it to General Manager.

4. If you come here tomorrow morning, we can help you fill out your

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