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Упр. 6. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Perfect или Past Indefinite:
1. We (to travel) around Europe last year. 2. My father knows so much be-
cause he (to travel) a lot. 3. I (to see) Pete today. 4. She (to see) this film last
Sunday. 5. Alex (to meet) his friend two hours ago. 6. I just (to meet) our teach-
er. 7. The children already (to decide) what to do with the books.
Yesterday they (to decide) to help their grandmother. 9. Helen speaks French so
well because she (to live) in France. 10. She (to live) there last year. 11. The rain
(to stop) and the sun is shining in the sky again. 12. The rain (to stop) half an
hour ago. 13. Mary (to buy) a new hat. 14. I (to buy) a pair of gloves yesterday.
15. The wind (to blow) off the man's hat, and he cannot catch it. 16. The wealth-
er (to change), and we can go for a walk. 17. The wind (to change) in the morn-

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Ответы на вопрос:

1yes i was, 2 yes she was, yes i was или no i wasn't, 3 yes i was или no i wasn't

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