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Imagine that you want to create your own charity organization. Tell whom you help, how you help and what interesting ideas you have for the development of this organization.

текст 12-15 предложений

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Thank you for the bonus points! If I were to create my own charity organization, I would focus on helping underprivileged children and promoting education. Here's an overview of whom I would help, how I would provide assistance, and some interesting ideas for the organization's development:

1. Target beneficiaries: The primary beneficiaries of the charity organization would be children from low-income families, orphanages, and marginalized communities who lack access to quality education and essential resources.

2. Education initiatives: The organization would establish learning centers or collaborate with existing schools to provide free education and resources to these children. This would include academic support, mentoring, and vocational training programs to empower them with necessary skills.

3. Scholarship programs: To ensure deserving students can continue their education, the organization would offer scholarships to cover tuition fees, books, uniforms, and other related expenses.

4. Nutritional support: Recognizing the impact of nutrition on a child's development and learning abilities, the organization would provide nutritious meals or collaborate with food banks to ensure children have access to healthy food.

5. Health and hygiene programs: Regular health check-ups, vaccinations, and awareness campaigns on hygiene practices would be organized to improve the overall well-being of the children.

6. Infrastructure development: The organization would work towards establishing safe and conducive learning environments by constructing or renovating classrooms, libraries, and playgrounds.

7. Technology integration: To enhance learning opportunities, the organization would incorporate technology by providing computers, internet access, and digital learning resources.

8. Community involvement: Engaging the local community is essential. I would organize workshops, seminars, and awareness campaigns to promote education and encourage community members to actively participate in the organization's initiatives.

9. Partnerships and collaborations: The organization would forge partnerships with local businesses, educational institutions, and NGOs to leverage resources, expertise, and funding opportunities for sustained growth and impact.

10. Mentoring and career guidance: Alongside academic support, the organization would offer mentoring programs and career guidance to help children explore their potential and make informed choices about their future.

11. Creative and extracurricular activities: Encouraging creativity and fostering holistic development, the organization would organize art, music, sports, and other extracurricular activities to inspire children and provide them with a well-rounded education.

12. Impact measurement and reporting: Regular evaluation and reporting of the organization's activities and outcomes would be crucial to ensure transparency, accountability, and continuous improvement.

By implementing these ideas, my charity organization would strive to make a lasting difference in the lives of underprivileged children, empowering them with education, skills, and opportunities for a brighter future.


Просыпаюсь я обычно рано около 7 часов утра. Заправляю кровать, умываюсь и делаю зарядку. После этого завтракаю и отправляюсь на онлайн платформу для учебы. После учебы я гуляю с друзьями. Мы любим вместе проводить время и стараемся везде быть вместе.

Мне нравится английский язык. Я хожу на факультатив по этому предмету и участвую в олимпиадах. Несколько раз я занимал призовые места и у меня есть дипломы.

После уроков я обычно занимаюсь в спортивных секциях или хожу на плавание. Я люблю спорт и стараюсь выполнять все задания тренера. После секций я возвращаюсь домой. Немного отдохнув принимаюсь за уроки. Когда уроки сделаны я стараюсь родителям в домашних делах. Могу помыть посуду или подмести пол. А еще я ухаживаю за домашними питомцами, слежу чтобы у них была чистая вода и еда. В свободное время я обычно гуляю с друзьями. Мы весело проводим время, играем в футбол или прятки.

А еще мы любим ходить в кино или играть в компьютерные игры. Но обычно это можно сделать только на выходные, потому что в будние дни весь день занят. Вечером обычно я с папой играю в шахматы. Иногда мы всей семьей играем в различные настольные игры. Такие как например лото, домино или монополию.Когда хорошая погода я люблю кататься на велосипеде с друзьями или родителями.

В выходные дни мы с семьей иногда выезжаем на природу или в гости. А в обычные дни по вечерам я читаю интересные книги. Больше всего мне нравятся приключения и фантастика.

I usually wake up early around 7 o'clock in the morning. I make my bed, wash my face and do exercises. After that, I have breakfast and go to the online study platform. After school, I go out with friends. We love to spend time together and try to be together everywhere.

I like English. I attend an elective in this subject and participate in olympiads. Several times I won prizes and I have diplomas.

After school I usually go to sports clubs or go swimming. I love sports and try to fulfill all the coach's tasks. After the sections, I return home. After a little rest, I take up my lessons. When homework is done, I try to help my parents with household chores. I can wash dishes or sweep the floor. I also take care of my pets, making sure they have clean water and food. In my free time, I usually go out with friends. We are having fun, playing soccer or hide and seek.

We also love going to the movies or playing computer games. But usually this can only be done on weekends, because the whole day is busy on weekdays. In the evening, dad and I usually play chess. Sometimes we play various board games with the whole family. Such as bingo, domino or monopoly. When the weather is fine, I like to ride a bike with friends or parents.

On weekends, my family and I sometimes go out into nature or on a visit. And on ordinary days in the evenings I read interesting books. Most of all I like adventure and fantasy.

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Популярно: Английский язык