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A train stopped at a little station. A passenger looked out of the window of a train carriage and saw a woman selling cakes. The man had not had breakfast in the morning. He was hungry and wanted to buy a cake. The woman was standing rather far from the carriage. The man did not want to go and buy a cake himself because he was afraid to miss the train. He saw a boy who was walking along the platform near the carriage. He called the boy and asked him: "How much does a cake cost?" "Threepence, sir," answered the boy. The man gave him a sixpence and said: "Bring me a cake, and with the other threepence buy a cake for yourself." The boy took the money and went to the woman. A few minutes later the boy returned. He was eating a cake. He gave the man threepence change and said: "The woman had only one cake, sir."

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A train came to a small station, and a passenger peered out of the window of a train carriage, spotting a woman selling cakes. The man had skipped breakfast that morning and felt hungry, desiring a cake. However, the woman was standing quite far from the carriage. Afraid of missing the train, the man didn't want to go and buy a cake himself. He noticed a boy walking along the platform near the carriage, so he called out to the boy and asked, "How much does a cake cost?" The boy replied, "Threepence, sir." The man gave him a sixpence and instructed, "Bring me a cake, and with the other threepence, buy a cake for yourself." The boy took the money and went to the woman. After a few minutes, the boy returned, eating a cake. He gave the man threepence as change and said, "The woman had only one cake, sir."

famous- more famous - the most famous

funny - funnier - funniest

interesting - more interesting - the most interesting

old - older - the oldest

good - better - the best

strong - stronger - the strongest

big - bigger- the biggest

fat - fatter - the fattest

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