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HELP Analyse the given English and Ukrainian
words and wordgroups. Allot them to the corresponding layers of lexicon: internationalisms, professionalisms, archaisms, neologisms. State their national or universal typological nature:
A. grammar, pedagogical, modality, whereof, molecule, fantasy,complementation, predication, behold, company, jurisdiction, cab,to put one’s tongue in one’s cheek, penny wise and pound foolish.
B. хорунжий, гетьман, математика, вечорниці, героїзм, музика, поезія, університет, присудок, лікар, накивати п’ятами, впіймати облизня, ловити ѓав, журналіст, фонд, філософія, смартфон, вебінар.

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Internationalisms: grammar, modality, molecule, company.

Professionalisms: pedagogical, complementation, predication, jurisdiction.

Archaism: whereof, behold, cab.

Neologism: fantasy.

National/Universal typological nature: The words listed here can be considered both national and universal, as they are commonly used in both English-speaking and Ukrainian-speaking contexts. Some words may have originated from a specific language but have been adopted and used internationally.


Internationalisms: university, doctor, journalist, foundation, philosophy, smartphone, webinar.

Professionalisms: mathematics.

Archaism: None.

Neologism: None.

National/Universal typological nature: The words listed here can be considered both national and universal. While some words may have originated from Ukrainian, they are also used in other languages and have become part of the international lexicon.


Можно составить кроссворд из слов: волосы, череп, глаза, мозг, нос, рот, уши, т шея и т.д.

Популярно: Английский язык