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Reading In Danger A- Complete the text with the words in the box. Sea turtles are (1). that have a protective shell and live in the ocean. sea turtles have existed for 125 million years, since the time of the (2). but now each of the remaining eight 83) of sea turtles are listed as threatened or (4) One of the most (5). sights you can see is the annual nesting ceremony of the giant sea turtle. Thousands of these creatures leave the ocean to (6) their eggs. Year after year, they instinctively return to the beach where they themselves hatched. They dig a (7) in the sand and release up to 150 eggs at a time. Most of the eggs will never hatch, for they will be eaten by predator birds, (8)_ or insects. These days the worst enemy of the turtle is man. He takes their eggs and kills the adults for their shells. The turtle's nesting (9) is disappearing fast, developed for tourism. If more is not done to protect it, this ancient creature will soon be (10) dinosaurs

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Закончить предложения выставляя глагол в скобках в правильную форму. Определить тип условных предложений.

1 If he had taken a map with him, he (would not have got) lost. 3

2 What would you do if you (were) locked out of your house? 2

3 If the rival team (scores) this point, they will win. 1

4 If you take up jogging, you (will become) fitter. 1

5 If we (had played) better, we could have won the championship. 3

6 He wouldn't have accidents so often if he (drove) more carefully. 2

7 Unless you (bring) the right equipment, you can't go rock climbing. 0

8 (Will buy) me a magazine if you go to the newsagent's? 1

9 If a player (is) injured during a match, he goes off the pitch. 0

10 If you run fast, you (will win) the race. 1

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