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10. 2

11. 2

12. 2

13. 3

14. 4

15. 3

16. 3

17. 1

18. 2

19. 4


vary significantly - значительно различаться

a wide variety - большой выбор

planning - планирование

resources - источники, ресурсы

accomplish goals - достичь целей

Managerial careers - карьера менеджеров/управленцев

There are probably as many definitions of management as there are books on the subject. - Вероятно, существует столько же определений менеджмента, сколько книг на эту тему.

1. in my family mother usually cooks breakfast.

2. my sister helen  goes to school in the morning.

3.my father  goes to work.

4.my mother  stays home.

5.my mother does the shopping.

6.my mother tidies up the house.

7.my sister and i help out at home.

8.i walk  the dog.

9.  my brother tom washes the floor.

10. my parents read in the evening.

11. my sister and i play computer games.


Популярно: Английский язык