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3 1. 4 She- famous authors. Sultan 5 6 They years. 71- 8 Aida before. 9 He (not travel) to the USA. (meet) a number of this month! 10 Maria (not write) a short story. (play) football for many (not make) any money today. (not fly) in a helicopter (read) five books already (not drink) pear juice. the present perfect. 3 5 6 7 foc 8 So th th a 4 Wri

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Ответы на вопрос:

1)the examination was over at noon. jack gave his answer paper to the teacher and (left) the room. he ( answered) all the questions. he (wrote) very long answer to the three questions and there (has not been) enough time to answer the other two. 2. henry came home at half past eleven last night.he (met) a friend in the street at seven o'clock and (went) to the cinema with him. when he got home, to the house (was) in darkness. everybody (went) to bed.

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