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WORD STORE SA | Education C 2 Complete the sentences with the correct word or phrase from the box. academic subjects after-school activities classmate compulsory curriculum graduate mixed ability term timetable learn by heart Diego's school offers lots of after-school activities in the late afternoon such as Music lessons as well as Chess and Photography classes. 1 Teachers can find classes challenging because they need to teach students of different levels equally well. in my school. That 2 Languages are means everybody has to study Spanish or English. like on Fridays? 3 What is your Will you still have time to play on the basketball team in the afternoon? who never arrives on 4 I've got a time to classes and usually forgets to bring his books. 5 Hugh's sister, Laura, is a university so she often helps him with his homework. Would you like to study Maths at university like Laura? 6 There are a lot of important dates and other facts that you need to when you study History. 7 I've decided to study a lot harder this 8 My favourite to get better grades. are Geography and Physics. What are yours? 9 Every school in the country now has Physical Education on the

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) speak -джэйн умеет хорошо говорить на французском, не так ли? -нет, она не умеет. она начала учить французский в прошлом месяце. 2) tell -можете мне сказать, где живет макс? -извините, я не могу. я не знаю его адрес. 3) tell моя бабушка часто рассказывает мне сказки. 4) telling -почему ты говоришь мне ложь? -я не говорю. я говорю тебе правду. 5) say -что это значит? что филлип говорит? он говорит, что маленькая лиза болеет

Популярно: Английский язык