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23 I found some old coins in a drawer while I was looking for a pen. across some old coins in a drawer while I was looking for a pen. 1 24 If your watch doesn't work, return it to the shop. back If your watch doesn't work, 25 Our car stopped working last week and I don't know why. down Our car to the shop. last week and I don't know why. 26 Did you give Mark the money you borrowed from him? pay Did you the money Mark lent you? (2 marks per am

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Ответы на вопрос:

23. While searching for a pen, I stumbled upon some old coins in a drawer.

24. Take the faulty watch back to the shop for refund or repair.

25. Our car broke down last week, and I have no idea what's wrong with it.

26. Did you pay back the money Mark lent you?

Cucumbers are cheaper than  tomatoes. In my opinion a trip by car is more enjoyable than a trip by train. The sea of Azov is smaller than the Black Sea. My grandmother bakes better cakes than my sister.​

Это сравнительная степень прилагательных в английском языке. Если прилагтельное состоит из одного или двух слогов, то мы добавляем -er:

Small-smaller, hard-harder, soft-softer

Если слово уже заканчивается на -e, то добавляем -r:

big  – bigger, fat – fatter, hot  – hotter

Если в конце слова стоит -y, а перед ней согласная, то -y меняется на -i:

happy – happier, easy – easier

Если прилагательное длинное, то добавляем more:

beautiful – more beautiful , difficult-more difficult, interesting – more interesting

Популярно: Английский язык