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51.2 Fill the gaps with the correct word. 1 Did you say his
2 He looks like his mother but definitely takes
name was Boris?
3 There is an increasing number of single-
4 Most of my
5 I've known him for years; he's an
6 They're not married any longer, but she still sees her
his father in character.
families in Britain.
at work are married, and I don't see them socially.

на завтра надооо

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Did you say his name was Boris?He looks like his mother but definitely takes after his father in character.There is an increasing number of single-parent families in Britain.Most of my colleagues at work are married, and I don't see them socially.I've known him for years; he's an old friend.They're not married any longer, but she still sees her ex-husband.

i’d like to tell you, in short, the plot of the work of a famous novelist, nikolai gogol. it is a famous satirical play “the government inspector”. i’ve recently read this book in my literature lessons.

let me tell you a bit about this book. the action takes place in a small provincial town. the main character is khlestakov. he’s a young man who is silly and poor. but he’s a very self-loving man. he tells lies with pleasure. khlestakov has got a crazy fantasy. he arrives at this provincial town and there he is mistaken for the government inspector.

i believe you can imagine, what happened later. the plot is very interesting and funny. the comedy shows human stupidity and greediness. it also reveals the problems of society those time.

я хотел бы вкратце рассказать вам сюжет произведения известного романиста николая васильевича гоголя. это сатирическая пьеса "ревизор". недавно я прочитал эту книгу на уроках .

позвольте мне рассказать вам немного об этой книге. действие происходит в небольшом провинциальном городке. главный герой-хлестаков. он молодой человек, глупый и бедный. но он эгоистичный человек. он с удовольствием врет. у хлестакова буйная фантазия. он приезжает в этот провинциальный город и там его принимают за правительственного инспектора - ревизора.

полагаю, вы можете себе представить, что произошло позже. сюжет интересный и забавный. комедия показывает человеческую глупость и жадность. она также раскрывает проблемы общества того времени.

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