Есть ответ 👍

1. Rewrite the sentences in reported speech. 'I've never been to Scotland,' the patient said.
The patient said that___
2. 'I woke up at 6 o'clock on Monday, the student said.
The student said that___
3. 'I hate reading news about pollution,' my mum said.
My mum said that___
4. 'Mr Smith is allergic to dogs,' the doctor said.
The doctor said that
5. 'I'm writing an article about famous football players,' the journalist said.
The journalist said that___

Exercise 2
Rewrite the sentences in reported speech.
1 'I am sure that the President is recovering,' the journalist said.
The journalist said that___
2 'I'm watching a new TV series,' my sister said.
My sister said that___
'I've never seen such a difficult case,' the doctor said.
The doctor said that___
4 'I didn't go to the doctor on Saturday,' the patient said.
The patient said that___

(5 задание сделать тоже самое только дописать последнюю часть, надеюсь объяснила) 5 'I can see their garden from my flat,' the woman said.

Посмотреть ответы 2

Ответы на вопрос:


1. he had never been
2. he had waken up
3. she hates reading
4. mr. smith was allergic (граматично правильно, але думаю, що is allergic також підійде)
5. he was writing
6. he is sure that the president is...
7.that she was watching
8. had never seen
9. he hadn't gone
10.the woman said that she could see


Iwould like to  tell you about my two-day walking tour to a beautiful lake that is not far from our town. the weather was fine and  my friends and i decided to spend the weekend in tents on the shore of the lake. so, we went to the lake in the afternoon on friday. the  lake is not far from our town, so, we came there quickly. what beautiful nature is  there! we decided to put up  the tents and to cook dinner at once. then we bathed, swam, played volleyball and had our dinner. late at night we sat near our camp fire, played the guitar, sang songs and told funny stories. we slept in our tents. the next day we had our breakfast and bathed in the lake. later some boys and girls stayed on the shore of the lake and all the rest  went to walk in the  forest.  it was very interesting there! we found some mushrooms and took a lot of photos. we returned to the camp and had dinner. we spent time in the forest  and on the shore wonderfully! then we went home. my friends and i were full of unforgetable impressions!

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