Есть ответ 👍

Choose the correct answer, A or B. 1 I want to go to the and watch a new


A museum В cinema

2 Mike’s sister is tall and

A slim В long

3 I feelwhen it rains at the weekend

because I like doing things outside.

A bad В boring

4 On holiday I like sitting on the or

swimming in the sea.

A garden В beach

5 I’ve got tickets to see my favourite


A fans В band

6 The concert was fantastic but we were

for the bus.

A late В slow

7 Visiting museums is more than going


A interesting В excited

8 I my homework and went out.

A answered В finished

Посмотреть ответы 2

Ответы на вопрос:

В cinema

A slim


B beach

A band

A late

A interesting

B finished


1. if my friend lets me down, i'll forgive her. 2. if my friend needs my help, i'll do my best to help her. 3. if my friend phones me at 6 o'clock in the morning, i'll listen to what she is going to tell me.  4. if my friend spends the weekend with other friends, i'll try to make out the reason. 5. if my friend is angry with me and i'm guilty, after a while i'll admit being guilty. 6. if my friend has a problem with maths, i'll try to help her to understand it. 7. if my friend leaves my school, i think we'll still keep in touch in some way.

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