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Revision: Student's Book page 11 1 Choose the correct verb.
1 We should do / make a plan for the weekend.
2 Can you have / tell a word with your sister?
3 You should give / make her a call and apologise.
4 Don't keep/take offence. It was only a joke!
5 I made /took an excuse and left the party early.
6 Is it always wrong to make / tell a lie?
7 I'm really tired. Can we do / take a break now?
8 I nearly always give / tell the truth.
2 Complete the advice with should or shouldn't and the verbs
feel go invite listen look open spend tell
1 'It's really hot in here. We should open a window?
2 'My ears are hurting." "You
loud music so often.
3 'I think we're lost. 'Yes. We.
a map.
4 '1 only got 68% in my exam. "You
disappointed. That's a good mark!'
7 'My science project isn't very good. 'Maybe you
more time on it.
5 'I really like the girl next door. 'We
her to our party!
6 'Do you like Reece's new shirt?' 'No-but I don't think you
him that."
8 'I don't feel well. 'You
1 My best friend gave me a T-shirt for my birthday, but I
hate it.
to bed
3 Write advice for these problems. Use I think / I don't think
you should... and your own ideas.
3 I borrowed a DVD from my friend, but I've lost it.
2 I want to go to the cinema this weekend, but I haven't got
any money.
Listening Strategy
You do not have to understand every word in a listening
task. Focus on the general meaning and try not to be
distracted by words you do not understand.
41.03 Read the Listening Strategy. Then listen to three
short dialogues. For each one, choose the best summary of
the general meaning (a or b).
1 Ellie is upset because
a she can't take part in the school show.
b she can't go to a family wedding.
2 Daisy is excited because
a she likes seeing her cousin.
b her cousin has got a present for her.
3 James is worried because
a he isn't ready for his music exam.
b he can't finish his homework in time.
51.04 Listen to four dialogues (A-D). Match the dialogues
with sentences 1-5 below. There is one extra sentence.
The person with the problem:
1 agrees that it is not necessary to tell the truth about it.
2 agrees to follow the advice, but feels upset.
3 asks for advice, but decides not to follow it.
4 gets angry when their friend gives advice.
5 does not get any advice from their friend.
61.04 Listen again. Complete the missing words in these
lines from the dialogues.
Dialogue A
2 Oh dear-1.
Dialogue B
3 You
Dialogue C
5 Can 1.
6 Just talk to him-
Dialogue D
7 I've got
8 No, I.
what to do.
very happy!
right, Daniel.
with my Facebook
you should do that.

Посмотреть ответы 3

Ответы на вопрос:

1 Choose the correct verb.

1 We should make a plan for the weekend.

2 Can you have a word with your sister?

3 You should give her a call and apologize.

4 Don't take offense. It was only a joke!

5 I made an excuse and left the party early.

6 Is it always wrong to tell a lie?

7 I'm really tired. Can we take a break now?

8 I nearly always tell the truth.

2 Complete the advice with should or shouldn't and the verbs below.

1 'It's really hot in here. We should open a window.

2 'My ears are hurting." "You shouldn't listen to loud music so often.

3 'I think we're lost. 'Yes, we should look at a map.

4 'I only got 68% in my exam." "You shouldn't feel disappointed. That's a good mark!'

5 'I really like the girl next door." "We should invite her to our party!"

6 'Do you like Reece's new shirt?' 'No, but I don't think you should tell him that."

8 'I don't feel well." "You should go to bed early.

3 Write advice for these problems. Use "I think / I don't think you should..." and your own ideas.

1 I think you should apologize to your friend and offer to replace the lost DVD.

I think, by apologizing sincerely, you show your friend that you value their feelings and are willing to make amends.

2 I don't think you should go to the cinema if you don't have any money. Maybe you can plan a different activity that doesn't require spending money.

I think, you could plan a movie night at home with friends, where everyone can bring their favorite films or watch something together on a streaming service.

Listening Strategy

You do not have to understand every word in a listening task. Focus on the general meaning and try not to be distracted by words you do not understand.


41.03 Read the Listening Strategy. Then listen to three short dialogues. For each one, choose the best summary of the general meaning (a or b).

1 Ellie is upset because: b she can't go to a family wedding.

2 Daisy is excited because: b her cousin has got a present for her.

3 James is worried because: a he isn't ready for his music exam.

51.04 Listen to four dialogues (A-D). Match the dialogues with sentences 1-5 below. There is one extra sentence.

The person with the problem:

1 agrees that it is not necessary to tell the truth about it.

2 agrees to follow the advice but feels upset.

3 asks for advice but decides not to follow it.

4 gets angry when their friend gives advice.

5 does not get any advice from their friend.

Dialogue A: 3 asks for advice but decides not to follow it.

Dialogue B: 2 agrees to follow the advice but feels upset.

Dialogue C: 5 does not get any advice from their friend.

Dialogue D: 1 agrees that it is not necessary to tell the truth about it.

61.04 Listen again. Complete the missing words in these lines from the dialogues.

Dialogue A:

1. Oh dear, I don't know what to do.

2. Oh, I'm very happy!

Dialogue B:

3. You're right, Daniel. Just talk to him.

Dialogue C:

5. Can I ask you something?

6. Just talk to him—advice.

Dialogue D:

7. I've got a problem.

8. No, I shouldn't do that.

   We should make a plan for the weekend.

   Can you have a word with your sister?

   You should give her a call and apologize.

   Don't take offense. It was only a joke!

   I made an excuse and left the party early.

   Is it always wrong to tell a lie?

   I'm really tired. Can we take a break now?

   I nearly always tell the truth.

   Complete the advice with should or shouldn't and the verbs below:

   "It's really hot in here. We should open a window."

   "My ears are hurting." "You shouldn't listen to loud music so often."

   "I think we're lost." "Yes, we should look at a map."

   "I only got 68% in my exam." "You shouldn't feel disappointed. That's a good mark!"

   "My science project isn't very good." "Maybe you should spend more time on it."

   "Do you like Reece's new shirt?" "No, but I don't think you should tell him that."

   "I don't feel well." "You should go to bed early."

   Write advice for these problems. Use "I think / I don't think you should..." and your own ideas:

   "I think you should apologize to your friend and offer to replace the lost DVD."

   "I don't think you should go to the cinema if you don't have any money. Instead, you could plan a movie night at home with friends or find free entertainment options."

   "I think you should prioritize your schoolwork and finish your homework before worrying about your Facebook page. You can always catch up on social media later."

41.03 Listening summary:

   Ellie is upset because she can't go to a family wedding.

   Daisy is excited because her cousin has got a present for her.

   James is worried because he can't finish his homework in time.

51.04 Matching dialogues:

Dialogue A - 4

Dialogue B - 5

Dialogue C - 3

Dialogue D - 1

61.04 Completing missing words:

Dialogue A:

   Oh dear, I don't know what to do.

Dialogue B:

3. You should talk to him.

Dialogue C:

5. Can I give you some advice?

   Just talk to him—everything will be fine.

Dialogue D:

7. I've got a problem.

   No, I'm not very happy!


1)Настоящее Положение "О порядке деятельности, статусе и полномочиях международных (иностранных) наблюдателей на выборах и референдумах Кыргызской Республики" (далее - Положение) определяет порядок деятельности, статус и полномочия международных наблюдателей при проведении выборов и референдумов, осуществляющих наблюдение индивидуально, в составе группы наблюдателей, а также в составе международной миссии по наблюдению

2)Проблемы мирового развития и международное положение Кыргызстана

2. Национальные интересы Кыргызстана в современных условиях

3. Внешние и внутренние угрозы национальной безопасности Кыргызской Республики

4. Система обеспечения безопасности личности, общества и государства

5. Мониторинг и контроль состояния национальной безопасности, антикризисное реагирование

3)Посольство КНР готово совместно с кыргызским журналистами продвигать отношения всестороннего стратегического партнерства между Китаем и Кыргызстаном», - сказала Дэвень.

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