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Ответы на вопрос:

Dear friend,

I hope this email finds you well. I recently went on a trip to Paris with some friends and it was amazing! We visited all the famous landmarks like the Eiffel Tower and the Louvre Museum. The city was so beautiful and there was so much culture everywhere. The food was also fantastic, we tried lots of French cuisine and it was all delicious. One thing that made the trip even more special was the French people, they were so friendly and welcoming.

Overall, it was an unforgettable experience and I would highly recommend visiting Paris if you ever get the chance. Let me know if you have any travel plans coming up, I would love to hear about them.

Best regards, [твое имя]

Какая погода в сша? 1 . климат страны довольно мягкий с теплым летом и прохладной зимой, хотя в северных и горных регионах (особенно на аляске) зимы холодные и снежные. наиболее теплыми регионами страны являются южные штаты и особенно их прибрежные районы (калифорния, флорида) . в центре страны климат резко континентальный и сухой. средняя температура января от -25° с на аляске до 20° с во флориде. средняя температура июля на западном побережье составляет от 14° с до 22° с, на восточном побережье - от 16° с до 25° с. среднегодовая норма осадков в прибрежных районах составляет более 2000 мм, в центральных районах страны - до 1000 мм, в пустынных и полупустынных районах юга сша - до 100 мм. 2 . the country's climate is fairly mild with warm summers and cool winters, although the northern and mountain regions (especially in alaska) winters are cold and snowy. the warmest regions of the country are southern states, and especially their coastal regions (california, florida) . in the center of the country the climate is continental and dry. the average january temperature is -25° c in alaska to 20° c in florida. the average july temperature on the west coast varies from 14° c to 22° c, on the east coast - from 16° c to 25° c. average annual rainfall in the coastal areas is more than 2000 mm in the central regions of the country to 1000 mm in arid and semiarid regions of the southern united states - up to 100 mm.

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