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Work in pairs. Discuss what would happen if the situations were different. There are two examples (0) and (00) at the beginning.
0. I don’t live on the Bahamas.
I wish I lived on the Bahamas.
00. I didn’t live on the Bahamas then.
I wish I had lived on the Bahamas then

1. I didn’t have enough time to learn English well.
2. He hated having music classes when a child
3. Evefailed to find a better job.
4. Helen didn’t learn English well so she is doing it now.
5. Ann watches TV too much. Her mother wants to stop it.
6. Kate can’t stop having too much coffee
7. Linda does not have a lot of money.
8. Mike is too old to start a new business.
9. David does not understand his parents.
10. Jack did not make much money l

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. I didn't have enough time to learn English well.

If I had more time, I would have learned English well.

2. He hated having music classes when he was a child.

If he had enjoyed music classes as a child, he might have pursued a career in music.

3. Eve failed to find a better job.

If Eve had found a better job, her financial situation would have improved.

4. Helen didn't learn English well, so she is doing it now.

If Helen had learned English well earlier, she wouldn't need to study it now.

5. Ann watches TV too much. Her mother wants to stop it.

If Ann didn't watch TV too much, her mother wouldn't want to stop it.

6. Kate can't stop having too much coffee.

If Kate could stop having too much coffee, she might feel healthier.

7. Linda does not have a lot of money.

If Linda had more money, she could afford to travel or buy the things she desires.

8. Mike is too old to start a new business.

If Mike were younger, he could consider starting a new business.

9. David does not understand his parents.

If David understood his parents better, their communication would improve.

10. Jack did not make much money.

If Jack had made more money, he could have invested it or enjoyed a better lifestyle.

1might 2 was 3 had graduated 4 would give 5 was working 6 had 7 had been working

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