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Fill in the gaps using the words from the list below (there is one word you do not need to use): Knowledge, choice, primary, important, behaviour, job, achievement, rescue, recited, must.
1. It is very important to make the right of profession.
2. My dream is to become a school teacher.
3. A good teacher develop their pupils’ character.
4. Teacher’s profession is and noble.
5. Teacher should have good of their subject.
6. I always thought that teaching was a very interesting .
7. Firefighters people from the burning buildings.
8. At elementary school we read texts, wrote dictations, poems and played games.
9. Pupils’ was bad at the lesson, they were too noisy.
10. John Amos Comenius’s most outstanding was his writing of the first textbook.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Ученые говорят, что мы употребляем полтонны еды в год - и это не считая напитков! некоторые люди едят даже больше. с каждым годом люди в мире становятся жирнее. два слова, которые люди ассоциируют с едой, которая для них не полезна, это фаст фуд и низкокачественная  пища (прим: junk food -  низкокачественная пища -  богатая калориями, но не имеющая питательной ценности)

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