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Скласти 10 речень порівняння теперішній і минулий час

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. Nowadays, technology is more advanced compared to the past.

2.In the past, people relied on letters for communication, whereas now we can instantly message each other through social media.

3.Today, transportation is faster and more convenient than in the past.

4.In the past, people had limited access to information, but now we can easily find answers to our questions with a quick internet search.

5.Nowadays, people have more opportunities for travel and exploration compared to the past.

6.In the present time, we have a wider variety of food choices available compared to the past.

7.Nowadays, it is easier to stay connected with friends and family through video calls and messaging apps.

8.In the past, handwritten letters were the primary means of written communication, while today we rely heavily on emails and text messages.

9.Today, we have more efficient and eco-friendly technologies for energy consumption compared to the past.

10. In the present, there are more career options and flexible working arrangements available compared to the past.

They hadn't talked over the telephone in 1876.they hadn't used electric light bulbs in 1860.they hadn't travelled to space in 1961.they hadn't listened to the radio in 1924.they hadn't watched tv in 1926.they hadn't played computer games in 1981.they hadn't driven cars in 1895.

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