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Поставьте глагол в скобках с частицей to или без нее. You must ... (be) polite with your grandparents.
2. Let me ... (introduce) myself.
3. Bill is trying ... (learn) Italian.
4. I am glad ... (meet) Peter.
5. Bill promised ... (help) her.
6. My children refuse (drink) milk.
7. Bill asked me … (read) the letter carefully.
8. I learned how ... (swim) when I was 6.
9. You should never ... (argue) with your mother.
10.This old film made me ... (cry).

Посмотреть ответы 2

Ответы на вопрос:

1 be 2 introduce 3 to learn 4 to meet 5 to help 6 to drink 7 to read 8 to swim 9 argue 10 cry


1) where are your children? they are at home. they lieing on the carpet and drawing. 2)listen, somebody singing very loudly. 3)i do not speak foreign language, but now  i learned english. 4)why are you do not hurry? i am waiting for you. 5)what do you doing now? i am looking for my keys. i can't open the door. 6) i am going to talk with parents

Популярно: Английский язык