Есть ответ 👍

Help plz
everything on screen

Посмотреть ответы 2

Ответы на вопрос:

1 I’m afraid
2 worry
3 sorry
4 all right
5 I was too busy
6 It doesn’t matter
7 I was I’ll
8 Never mind

1) would you mind if i borrow your paper? 2) we shouldn't hurry. we have got plenty of time. 3) you should have paid more 4) тут вообще правильно, но если ошибка везде есть точно то тогда можно where should/ would we meet? 5) the instructions were quite 6) i work overtime every day. 7) тоже ошибки не вижу особой. можно he 8) the teacher has to 9) we must discuss things. he shouldn't have been working all day.

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