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Ответы на вопрос:

A: Can I help you, madam?

B: Yes, I bought this sweater yesterday.

A: Yes, I remember. Is there a problem?

B: Yes, I'm afraid it's too small.

A: What size is it?

B: It's a small. Do you have a medium?

A: I'll go and check. Just a minute.

I'm sorry but we don't have this sweater in your size. But we do have this one and it's the same price. Or you can have a refund.

B: Erm...I'll take this one then, please. Can I try it on?

A: Yes, of course. The changing rooms are over there. Is everything OK?

B: Yes, this one fits perfectly.

A: Good. Do you have the receipt for the other sweater?

B: Yes, here you are.

A: Brilliant.

1.There is a lamp on the desk. 2.There is windows in the room. 3.There are two books on the floor. 4. There is a vase with flowers near the sofa. 5. There is dormitory on the street. 6. Do you know a different types of houses?


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