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Fill in the gaps with an appropriate form of the verb "to Be"

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. The news I have received is good.

2. Where is the money?

3. Mathematics is my poorest subject.

4. Our furniture is getting old.

5. Fish is not cheap today.

6. The sheep is in the field.

7. Mumps is a dangerous disease.

8. All my belongings are in my bag.

9. The stairs is very clean.

10. Physics is a compulsory subject at school.

11. Linguistics is very interesting.

12. My favourite game is Billiards.

13. His earnings is very modest.

14. The cattle on the farm is taken good care of.

15. Police are chasing him.

16. Where is your luggage?

17. Is there any evidence on the crime?

18. Good looks at the first job interview is very important.

19. Listen! The applause is really very loud.

20. Is the accomodation here expensive?

21. Thirty euro is enough to eat dinner at a restaurant.

22. Fish and chips is a traditional British lunch.

1. The news I have received is good. 2. Where is the money? 3. Mathematics is my poorest subject. 4. Our furniture is getting old. 5. Fish is not cheap today. 6. The sheep is in the field. 7. Mumps is a dangerous disease. 8. All my belongings are in my bag. 9. The stairs are very clean. 10. Physics is a compulsory subject at school. 11. Linguistics is very interesting. 12. My favorite game is billiards. 13. His earnings are very modest. 14. The cattle on the farm are taken good care for. 15. Police are chasing him. 16. Where is your luggage? 17. Are there any evidence on the crime? 18. Good looks at the first job interview are very important. 19. Listen! The applause is really very loud. 20. Is the accommodation here expensive? 21. Thirty euros is enough to eat dinner at a restaurant. 22. Fish and chips is a traditional British lunch.

A: excuse me, i am looking for salami.извините, я ищу салами.is there a deli section here? здесь есть отдел деликатесов? b: yes, go to the back of the store and then turn right.да, пройдите взад магазина и поверните направо.you'll see the deli section in front of you.вы увидите отдел деликатесов перед вами.a: thank you. oh, and where can i find strawberries? , ой а где я могу найти клубнику? b: they are in aisle 7 in the produce section.она в проходе 7 в отделе свежих фруктов и овощей.a: thank you..b: you are welcome..несколько минут спустья. a: could i get a pound of salami? можно мне, , фунт салами? b: of course. anything else? конечно. что-нибудь еще? .a: there's no price on the ham.на ветчине нет цены.could you check how much it costs? вы бы не могли проверить сколько она стоит? b: sure. it costs $5.20 a pound.конечно. она стоит $5.20 за фунт.a: i'll take seven ounces.я возьму семь унций.b: there you go.вот, .

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