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Reading Task 1. Read the text and match each celebrity with his/her charity activity facts. STARS WANT TO SAVE THE WORLD Hollywood stars are not just beautiful and talented, they are generous, too. In fact most stars do some sort of work for charity.
CHARITY WORK In Hollywood it is fashionable to be concerned about the world and the environment. But can actors succeed where politicians failed? Well, some are succeeding very well! When a charity is connected to a star, it gets publicity. People become interested and they want to help: Angelinal Jolie and Brad Pitt are often in the news because their work for charity. In 2006 when Jolie was expecting her baby, she let "People" magazine print photos in exchange for a donation to a charity in Haiti. 'We cannot ignore the fact that millions of people are suffering. I want to help', says Jolie. Here are some actors and singers who are trying to make the world a better place.
LEONARDO DI CAPRIO Di Caprio is a determined environmentalist. In 2007, he made a documentary. 11th hour, about the environment crisis caused by human actions. He flies in commercial planes and not private jets which use more fuel. He thinks that global warming is the biggest problem for humanity.
GEORGE CLOONEY AND MATT DAMON George Clooney, Matt Damon and Brad Pitt raise 5 million dollars for Darfur crisis during the premiere of Ocean's thirteen at the Cannes Festival. Now, Clooney wants every film festival to be a charity event. After Matt Damon saw extreme poverty in Zambia and South Africa, he wanted to help other parts of Africa, too. He made a documentary called Running the Sahara to get support for clean water programs in Africa.
SCARLETT JOHANSSON In 2001 Scarlett Johansson didn't go to the Oscars: she preferred to tour India and Sri Lanka for the charity Oxfam. 'It is strange to come home when you see people living in poverty', she says, 'It's strange to be famous, but this means I can help a lot of people'.
ANGELINA JOLIE Angelina Jolie saw humanitarian crises when she was filming Tomb Raider in Cambodia in 2000. When Jolie is on a mission, she lives in the same way as other voluntary workers Not very comfortable for a Hollywood star! Jolie says that stars earn too much money. I earn so much. It's crazy' she says. She gives a third of her money to charity.


a) expects every movie festival to be a charitable occasion
b) produced a movie to raise money for drinking water initiatives.
c) allowed journalists to publish pictures of the child for a charity
d)refused to attend the film festival
e)shot a movie about the environmental disaster brought on by global warming

Task 2. Use the information in the advert and the plan below to write a blog entry. (120-180 words). Follow the plan. Use appropriate punctuation.
Para 1: greet readers & introduce topic
Para 2: describe duties
Para 3: express feelings

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When someone or many people scare, abuse or dominate other person, it is called bullying. This can happen in school, office, street or at home. Such behaviour is a habit of some people and so they do it again and again. Bullying is very common for children in schools.

Bullying can be verbal in which children make fun of others, call them by bad names, spread rumours about them. It can be physical in which they hit others or destroy their things. It can also happen on phone or computer when someone uses dirty language or send bad pictures or messages. Intentionally making someone feel alone is also bullying. There are many reasons which lead to bullying. Sometimes children who bully are jealous of others. They cannot see anyone doing better than them and so they start bullying others. Some bully because they were bullied by someone else earlier. Such children try to take revenge by doing the same to others to feel powerful now. Others bully because they are not happy with themselves. They may have some physical or mental problem and they try to take out their anger by bullying others.

Bullying is growing a lot in our society nowadays. It affects students and people badly and many times it also affects their health. One loses confidence when one is bullied. The person starts being alone and stops talking to others. It affects his studies and his health. Some children start suffering from depression and they can also commit suicide. Bullying is very harmful and there are many ways to prevent it. Parents and teachers should always try to be friendly with children. This makes them comfortable and they start sharing their feelings. They should also talk to the child who bullies others and know the reason. Parents should teach good manners and behaviours to their children. They must tell them that they should respect others and become friends with everyone.

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