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с английским 6. Put in the correct present perfect verb form. Поставьте глаголы в форму настоящего совершенного времени.

1) We (see/never) have never seen this film before.

2) They (live)

here for ten years.

3) She (work) in our office for six years.

4) The children (eat/not) 5) His parents (help). their dinner yet. him for a long time.

6) Lillian (be)

in Australia three times.

7) Tom (play/never) hockey before.

8) I (read/not)

«The Mystery of Castle Croome>> yet.

9) Ann (finish/not)

her training yet. the big birthday 10) Mother (cook/already) cake.

11) At last I (finish). 12) Mary (be/never) my work. to London.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) We (see/never) have never seen this film before.

2) They (live) have lived here for ten years.

3) She (work) has worked in our office for six years.

4) The children (eat/not) haven't eaten their dinner yet.

5) His parents (help) had helped him for a long time.

6) Lillian (be) has been to Australia three times.

7) Tom (play/never) has never played hockey before.

8) I (read/not) haven't read «The Mystery of Castle Croome>> yet.

9) Ann (finish/not) hasn't finished her training yet.

10) Mother (cook/already) has already cooked the big birthday cake.

11) At last I (finish) have finished my work.

12) Mary (be/never) has never been to London.


Чтобы поставить глагол в форму Present Perfect, надо использовать вс глагол have (после местоимений I, we, you, they и существительных во множественном числе) или has (после местоимений he, she, it или существительных в единственном числе) и третью форму глагола (например, taken, been, done, written).

Наречия типа never, already, just, ever ставятся между have/has и 3-ей формой глагола.

Слово yet обычно используется в конце предложения.

1) We have never seen this film before.

2) They  have lived here for ten years.

3) She  has worked in our office for six years.

4) The children  haven't eaten their dinner yet.

5) His parents  have helped him for a long time.

6) Lillian  has been to Australia three times.

7) Tom has never played hockey before.

8) I  haven't read "The Mystery of Castle Croome" yet.

9) Ann  hasn't finished her training yet.

10) Mother  has already cooked the big birthday cake.

11) At last I  have finished my work.

12) Mary  has never been to London.

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