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Ответы на вопрос:

1. ... . I can't see without my glasses.

2. When I was young, I could eat anything I liked, I never got fat.

3. ...The students are able to do it themselves. 4. ...Now I can speak French fluently. 5. Can you tell me, what time is it, please? 6. .. He was able to turn it on. 7. Samira is so unfit, she can't run at all. 8. It rained. But they could play football. 9. . . I can write with my left hand. 10. I will be able to start work tomorrow. 11. ...,so we couldn't sleep last night. 12. I will be able to see you next Monday after my exams. 13. Don't touch the cattle. It can be hot.14. Is your daughter able to do the splits?


В настоящем времени - can - могу, умею. I can run - Я умею бегать. Синоним от can - to be able to, имеет значение могу, в состоянии сделать что- то( после перелома, болезни, есть время свободное). Вместо to be в предложении будет am, is, are - зависит от подлежащего. I am able to play football today ( нога не болит уже) She/ He is able to sing today ( горло не болит)

В времени вместо can - could. I could read when I was 6. Я умел читать, когда мне было 6 лет. Также можно употребить to be able to...в времени. I was able to play football yesterday - вчера я мог играть в футбол ( а до этого- нет мог). They were able to meet her at the station.- они смогли встретить ее на станции.

В будущем времени можно употребить только to be able to, будет так: We shall be able to meet her. Мы сможем встретить ее. He will be able to explain everything. Он сможет все обьяснить.


To be rich in, to find out , to be iterested in ,to be famous for, to listen to, to be proud of, to be tired of, to be afraid of, to cut up, to give up, to look for/.at/out/, to sit down, to get up, to be named after.

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