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B. Write these sentences in the negative. 1. Carl 2. Marge 3. My ball 4. My grandparents 5. These pencils 6. I 7. Cats 8. You 9. Bears my friend. fat. pink. a king. 10. My books 11. My sister and I new. wild animals. a man. You're a boy. very old. orange. red. at home.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1)not carl

2)not marge

3)its not my ball

3)they srent my grandparents

5)these arent pencils

not cats

not you

not bearsy friend

not my books

its not my sister and i

1. Carl isn't my friend.

2. Marge isn't fat.

3. My ball isn't pink.

4. My grandparents aren't very old.

5. These pencils aren't new.

6. I am not a man.

7. Cats aren't wild animals.

8. You aren't a boy.

9. Bears aren't orange.

10. My books aren't red.

11. My sister and I aren't at home.

Объяснение: Для отрицания после подлежащего I пиши am not: I am not a doctor.

После He, She, It пиши is not= isn't.

После You, We, They пиши : are not=aren't. We aren't workers.

My parents have really important jobs/professions.

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