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I broke the other one didn't work the week before Complete the sentences with affirmative () or negative (E) verbs. 9. My grandfather shaved on weekdays, but (at weekends 8 They didn't speak English, but (German 5 She didn't buy a coat, but (a very nice dress 7 We kept the photos, but (the letters I 6 I ate the vegetables, but (the meat| ▸ I didn't break this window, but (the other one 3 He phoned her, but (go to her house 4 I didn't bring any flowers, but (some chocolates ▸ I worked last week, but (the week before 1 He didn't change his trousers, but this shirt) 2 She answered the first question, but (the others |

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Ilike english, because i can speak with other people, who speaks on other language. because people of all over the world speak on english language. different songs on english, and i want to understand them. besides english language is very beautiful and easy. that's why i really like it.

Популярно: Английский язык