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Complete the blanks with the Present Perfect Simple of the verbs in brackets and the boxes with for or since. 1. A: How long B: 1 you 2.1 3. Gary and Alan 4. you 5. The school basketball team five years. (be) here? 3 o'clock this afternoon. (be) here (not speak) to my cousin Barbara (not play) tennis months. last Sunday. (see) Ruth the party? (not win) the championship five years

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Ответы на вопрос:

1утвердительное предложение с глаголом i have come to see you.1 вопросительное предложение с глаголом has he come here? 1 отрицательное предложение с глаголом he hasn't come yet.1 утвердительное предложение с глаголом the glass has fallen. 1 вопросительное предложение с глаголом has it fallen from the table? 1 отрицательное предложение с глаголом no it hasn't fallen so low.

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