Есть ответ 👍

8 Use the prompts to make short dialogues, as in the example. 1... I play loud music? (be quiet) SA: Can I play loud music?... SB: No, you aren't allowed to play loud music. You have to be quiet 2 ... we eat in the classroom? (eat in the cafeteria) 3. I ride my bike on the grass? (ride your bike somewhere else) the dog come into the house? (stay outside) 5. I leave my luggage here? (leave it in the cloakroom) 6 ... we wear high-heeled shoes? (wear flat shoes) 7 ... I use this phone? (use public phone)

Посмотреть ответы 2

Ответы на вопрос:

2. - Can we eat in the classroom?

-No, (us, we) aren't allowed to eat in the classroom

We(us) have to eat in the cafiteria.

3.-Can I ride my bike on the grass?

-No, you aren't allowed to ride a(your) bike on grass

You have to ride your bike somewhere else.

4.Can the dog come into the house?

No, dog aren't allowed to come into house

Dog have(has) to stay outside.

5.Can I leave my luggage Here?

No, you aren't allowed to leave your luggage here.

You have to leave it in the loakroom.

6.Can we wear high-heeled shoes?

No, us(we) aren't allowed to wear high - heeled shoes.

We (us) have to wear flat shoes.

7.Can I use this Phone?

No, you aren't allowed to use this phone.

You can use public phone.

Прости если что-то не правильно( удачи

2)when the storm came. I was walking through the park

3)what did you do last night at six o'clock?

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