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сделать задания по английскому a) задания я уже сделала, поэтому нужно только b

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Ответы на вопрос:

yes, it was a great game,wasn’t it ? holland were marvellous.

sue they will scarcely find it so easy against poland,will they ?

bob no, they won't. poland have got a good team,haven’t they?

peter lobak looks good, doesn’t he ? there was little the austrians could do to stop him, was there?

bob it'll be an interesting game,won’t it ?

sue england haven't been very good, have they?

bob luck hasn't been on our side,has he?

sue but why is bodger playing? he isn't very good,is he ?

peter he didn't play very well against peru, did he ?

bob he hardly plays as well now as he used to, does he?

sue he used to be fantastic,didn’t he?

peter well, we should beat nigeria, shouldn’t we?

sue i don't know. anything could happen,couldn’t it?

bob the west germans are good,aren’t they ?

they don't take any risks, do they ?

peter they're playing hungary tonight. you'll be watching, won’t you ?

bob yes, of course

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