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Variant 1 Grammar
1. at school yesterday.
a. Were you
b. Did you
c. Is you
d. was you
2. Is your family large?
a. Yes, it is.
b. Yes, they are.
c. No, it not.
d. No, they isn’t.
3. What he want?
a. does
b. do
c. have
d. was
4. do you have dinner?
a. When time
b. What time
c. What kind of
d. What for
5. He to go home.
a. want
b. did
c. didn’t want
d. didn’t wanted
6. Where to school?
a. did you go
b. went you
c. did you went
d. did go
7. Latin compulsory in Irish schools.
a. used to be
b. would be
c. has
d. has been
8. The boy cake when his mother came into the room
a. was eat
b. eats
c. was eating
d. has eating
9. There milk for my breakfast.
a. isn’t some
b. isn’t any
c. any
d. ─
10. people from Poland went to Scotland in the 20th century.
a. Many of
b. Many
c. Some of
d. ─
11. There are French speakers in Montreal.
a. too much
b. a lot of
c. a little
d. not much
12. She with her friends on Facebook™ everyday
a. is communicating
b. communicates
c. will communicating
d. ─
13. More and more people divorced every year.
a. are wanting
b. wanting
c. getting
d. are getting
14. Many, but not all, people get married in a church. .
a. want to
b. are wanting to
c. wanting to
d. used to want
15. Would you like to the theatre tonight?
a. go
b. to go
c. going
d. to going
16. I to Peru on holiday next month.
a. am flying
b. flying
c. am go flying
d. will flying
17. Oh! It . I’ll take an umbrella with me.
a. raining
b. will raining
c. rains
d. ’s raining
18. Do you have any plans for tonight? Yes, we to the cinema.
a. will go
b. going
c. go
d. are going

19. I plan to two weeks by the beach.
a. bring
b. spend
c. spending
d. making
20. The fast food restaurant was dirty. We didn’t eat there.
a. extreme
b. extremely
c. bit
d. very much
21. This restaurant is the one over there.
a. traditional
b. traditionaler
c. more traditional than
d. traditionaler than
22. My coffee was yours. I almost burned by mouth.
a. hotter than
b. more hot than
c. hotter as
d. as hot
23. The coffee in the world comes from indonesia.
a. expensive
b. expensivest
c. more expensive
d. most expensive
24. I sushi.
a. eaten
b. have eat
c. have ever eaten
d. have never eaten
25. She has finished this week’s report..
a. yet
b. already
c. ever
d. never
26. I don’t think you ­ them.
a. should to email
b. should email
c. should emailing
d. ─
27. In the future there cures to the world’s worst diseases.
a. might be
b. is going to being
c. will being
d. might have

28. The space tourists ___ certainly need to be very fit.
a. won’t
b. will
c. ─
d. going to
29. If my new company is successful, I employ people to help me.
a. will
b. be able to
c. will be able to
d. will able to
30. The first reality TV show in Sweden in 1997.
a. showed
b. shown
c. is shown
d. was shown

Посмотреть ответы 2

Ответы на вопрос:

4,5(13 оценок)

1. b

2. a

3. a

4. b

5. c

6. a

7. a

8. c

9. b

10. b

11. b

12. b

13. d

14. a

15. b

16. a

17. d

18. d

19. b

20. b

21. c

22. a

23. d

24. d

25. b

26. b

27. a

28. b

29. c

30. d


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