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Me Favorite Book
I am fond of reading. I like to read books about adventures, great people and famous travelers, stories about animals and birds, fairy-tales and fables. I have read a lot of interesting books, but my favorite book is “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer” by Mark Twain. This well-known book is popular with the children all over the world. The main character of the book is Tom Sawyer, who lived in a small town on the Mississippi River. He was a boy with a wild imagination. He liked to play games with his friends. They often dreamed of different adventures. Tom was sometimes naughty and never quiet. But his friends liked him because he was kind and brave. Besides, he was noble.

I liked Tom Sawyer very much because he was always bright and full of ideas. Tom teaches us to be noble, kind and brave. He also teaches us to be a true friend. I have learnt a lot about the life of children in America from this book.

1. typed - указатель yesterday

2. Was talking - указатель for hours and hours

3. was - указатель yesterday, продлежащее 3л. ед.ч

4. cleaned - указатель last Saturday

5. read - казатель in the evening yesterday.

6. were walking/met - одно жействие продолжалось ( мы гуляли) а одно просто случилось (встрелили) как факт.

7. were painted/was cleaning - одно действие продолжалось в момент другого

8. were watching/was reading

9. worked - факт в

10. got up/ was shining - факт в и бэкграунд ( солнце светило)

Объяснение: Past Simple используется когда мы говорим о фактам в одиночных действиях, которые шли по очереди. Past C. это как Present C. только в

Популярно: Английский язык