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Passive voice ребят нужно до завтра до 12:00 у меня тогда урок начинается 1. All these things happened last year.

2. Do people speak English all over the world?

3. Oliver has already won the first prize.

4. He made these earnings of gold.

5. She has never spoken about her family.

6. You must meet the delegation tomorrow.

7. People make cheese of milk.

8. She is cleaning the rooms now.

9. Many people saw the accident .

10 Who waters the flowers here?

11. She buys milk everyday.


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Ответы на вопрос:

1. Last year was happened by all these things.

2. Is English spoken by people all over the world?

3. The first prize has already been won by Oliver.

4. These earnings of gold were made by him.

5. Her family has never been spoken by her.

6. The delegation must be met by you tommorow.

7. Chese is made by people of milk.

8. The rooms are being clean by her now.

9. The accident was seen by many people.

10. By whom flowers are watered here?

11. Milk is bought by her every day.

Russia is one of the largest countries in the world. the vast territory of russia lies in the eastern part of europe and the northern part of asia. russia is washed by twelve seas and three oceans.россия - это крупнейшая страна в мире. большая часть территории россии лежит в восточной части европы и в северной части азии. россия омывается 12-ю морями и тремя океанами.the capital of russian federation is moscow, with the population of about 10 million people.столица россии - москва, с численностью населения более 10 миллионов человек.the land of russia varies very much from forests to deserts, from high mountains to deep valleys. the main mountain are the urals, the caucasus and the altai. there are a lot of great rivers and deep lakes on its territory. also there are many animals in russia.территория россии разнится - от лесов до пустынь, от высоких гор до глубоких долин. главные горы - это уральские, кавказские и алтайские. на ее территории много больших рек и глубоких рек. также в россии много животных.the longest rivers are the volga in europe and the ob, the yenisei and the lena in asia. the largest lakes are ladoga and baikal. baikal is the deepest lake in the world and its water is the purest on earth.самые длинные реки - это волга (в европе) и обь, енисей и лена в азии. крупнейшее озеро - это ладога и байкал. байкал - самое глубокое озеро в мире, его воды - самые чистые на земле.the russian federation is rich in natural and mineral resources. it has deposits of oil, gas, iron, gold, silver and many others.  the european part of the country is densely peopled, and most population live in cities. the current population of russia is more than 145 million people.российская федерация - богатейшая натуральными и минеральными ресурсами. она имеет залежи нефти, газа, железа, золота, серебра и многих других. европейская часть более заселена людьми и основная численность наблюдается в городах. текущая численность населения россии - более 145 миллионов человек.russia is a presidential republic. it is one of the leading powers in the world. россия - президентская республика. она - один из лидеров на мировой арене.

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