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VOCABULARY Complete each sentence using a word or phrase from the article. 1 If you have a job, you don't work a full working week. 2 If you have a job, you work a full working week - usually at least 40 hours per week. 3 If you have a job, you only do that job for a few days, weeks or months. 4 If you are, you work for yourself rather than for someone else. 5 If you earn a., you get a certain amount of money per year and you are usually paid at the end of every month. 6 If you earn > you get a certain amount of money per hour and you are usually paid at the end of every week. 7 If you are on how much you earn depends on how sel, much you 8 If you don't earn enough to money to buy food, pay the bills, etc. 9 If you work, advertising, your job is something to do with the advertising industry, you don't earn enough

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) I so goob
2)but its not not eyesi
3)i feel
4)more problems

We make suggestions when deciding what to do with our friends, or giving them advice on what they might do in a certain situation. imagine that you would like to go out for an evening with some friends. which suggestions would you make? there are a number of formulas used when making suggestions in en

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